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8-Week-Old Baby Utters First Words That Completely Blows Mom Away

The bond between a mother and child is one of the most special things on the entire planet, there's nothing quite like it at all. It's truly magical, and there truly are no words in the English language that can truly describe it. One new mom was talking to her adorable daughter who is all smiles when something rather spectacular happened!

Mom was telling her daughter that she loved her, and the little girl began to babble back to her momma. At first, it sounds like nothing more than the little chatter of a newborn who doesn't understand how to make certain sounds just yet. The more she babbles though, the more it begins to sound like she's actually talking!

She then distinctly tells her mom that she loves her! While we know she doesn't know that she was saying, it's truly amazing and it's clear that this baby truly does love her momma. Watching her chat away and just be an adorable baby is the cutest thing, and we feel so blessed that her mom was recording this to share with everyone.

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