
Nurse Adopts Abused Baby On Brink Of Death - Weeks Later Discovers She Has A Twin

It was abuse like she'd never seen before.

Jess Hamm, who was working as a nurse in the pediatric intensive care unit at Wolfson Children's Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida, was heartbroken when she saw the "lifeless" body of a precious little girl lying in a bed.

"My heart was broken. I don't want to cry. She was just so lifeless, but she still held onto my finger," Jess recalled.

The 14-month-old girl had broken bones, a skull fracture, and was severely malnourished. She couldn't even sit up or hold a bottle because she was so weak.

Something about the little girl, named Delilah, tugged at Jess' heartstrings. She knew she couldn't just leave the little girl to her fate.

"I was like, "˜Oh my gosh, I'm going to take her home,'" Jess said.

She began going through the proper channels within the Florida Department of Children and Families to adopt little Delilah. As she did so, she learned something that stunned her at first: Delilah had a twin sister.

When Jess learned this, she knew she had to adopt both of the little girls.

Soon, both Delilah and twin sister Caroline were safely home with their new mom.

Jess says she always wanted to be a mom but had never really thought of adoption until she met Delilah. Now, she can't imagine life any other way.

Today, both little girls are thriving and meeting their developmental goals. They are full of life and love to sing songs and make new discoveries.

"They've been through so much, and they're completely different kids," Jess said. "If you had met them when I met them, you would be amazed."

Jess is now sharing her story in the hope that others who hear it will also consider adoption.

"I hope when people hear my story it opens them up to the possibilities of adopting," she said.

Were you touched by Jess' willingness to take in these twins in need? Then share it!

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The post Nurse Adopts Abused Baby On Brink Of Death. Weeks Later Discovers She Has A Twin appeared first on Good Inside Us.

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