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Twin Baby Boys Born With Rare Disease, Brave 4-Yr-Old Brother Steps Up To Save Their Lives

Little Michael may only be four years old, but he's already inspiring millions, and he's a hero in my book.  

Michael's mom, Robin, recently gave birth to twin baby boys. Santino and Giovanni were born prematurely "“ at 33 weeks "“ on October 14, 2017. They spent five weeks in the NICU before being sent home.

It didn't take long, however, for the family to realize they weren't out of the woods yet. Just 10 days after they got home, both boys tested positive for Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD), a rare immune disorder that affects part of their immune systems and makes them unable to fight certain infections on their own.

Robin was already familiar with the disease "“ her eldest son, Dominick, 9, also had it, but he is now considered cured after a stem cell transplant he received eight years ago.

The family knew the twins would need the same treatment if they ever hoped to live normal lives.

When they learned that Michael was a perfect sibling match with both of his baby brothers, they asked if he would be willing to help them by donating some of his bone marrow. He immediately said yes.

Robin was careful to explain the whole procedure to him, making sure to let him know that the process can be painful and he will have to get stuck with a very large needle. She thought that might scare him off, but when she asked Michael again if he would be willing to donate, her young son's response left her stunned.

"Is it going to save them?" he asked.

"Yes," Robin told him.

"Okay, I'll do it then!" Michael boldly proclaimed.

Even though he was scared, he was more than willing to go through the painful procedure to save his baby brothers.

"[H]is courage is far more than one of a 4-year-old!" Robin proudly wrote.

The twins are currently undergoing chemotherapy treatments at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. They will receive the transplant from Michael "“ their superhero "“ on March 8, 2018.

"Michael is proud to be saving his twin brothers lives," Robin said. "He is so brave, he leaves his arm out for the nurse to draw his blood. He knows what he's about to do. It's truly inspirational. He gives me strength just watching how strong he is."

This whole process has been scary for Robin, but she is drawing strength and inspiration from her sons to be brave.

"I am so scared and nervous for all three of my boys," she said, "but when I look into their eyes, I see strength. I know everything is going to be okay."

Were you touched by Michael's courage and sacrifice for his brothers? Then share it!

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The post Twin Baby Boys Born With Rare Disease, Brave 4-Yr-Old Brother Steps Up To Save Their Lives appeared first on Good Inside Us.

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