Just hours after hew as born, Sol's doctors noticed that something was terribly wrong with the little boy. After just 10 days of life, little Sol was whisked away from North Wales maternity to Liverpool's Alder Hey Children's Hospital.
Sol had a blood clot in his left arm that meant doctors and his parents had to make the difficult decision to amputate little Sol's left arm just below the elbow.
After the initial shock, Sol's father, Ben Ryan began to ask doctors about getting a prosthetic made for his son.
To his dismay, health professionals would not offer help. In fact, he would have to wait a full year before Sol could get an artificial arm that doesn't even grab or hold things.
Ryan refused to settle for this. He believed that the best thing he could do for Sol was early intervention that would help him to adapt to a life without his left arm and hand.
With the help of the good people at Pontio Innovation (a newly opened innovation laboratory), Ryan 3D-printed a prosthetic arm for baby Sol.
Fast-forward two years and Ryan has quit his job as a professor of Psychology to focus full-time on Ambionics. Young Sol has adapted to life with his prosthetic arm, but there is a learning curve.
"He can do 90% of the things a kid with two hands can do, I just want to help him adjust to those 10% of tasks he is going to find difficult," Ryan told the BBC.
"The point I will relax is when I see him reach for something. I want him to turn around and just be able to pick something up just naturally, and then I'll know that I've done a good job."