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KFC Only Follows 11 People On Twitter And It's Actually Brilliant

While KFC may be known for its finger-lickin' good chicken, its social media game is next level.

The company whose secret chicken recipe includes 11 herbs and spices is following 11 very specific Twitter accounts and it has the whole internet talking.

The recipe is rumored to be 2/3 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon thyme, 1/2 teaspoon basil, 1/3 teaspoon of oregano, 1 teaspoon celery salt, 1 teaspoon black pepper, 1 teaspoon dried mustard, 4 teaspoons paprika, 2 teaspoons garlic salt, 1 teaspoon ground ginger and 3 teaspoons of white pepper.

This past Thursday, Twitter user @edgette22 realized KFC's official Twitter account only follows 11 people.

Who they are, is just perfect!

If you check KFC's followers, you will see the account is following Gerri Horner (formerly Halliwell), Mel B, Emma Bunton, Mel C and Victoria Beckham- the five Spice Girls.  

In addition it also follows Herb Scribner, Herb J. Wesson Jr., Herb Waters, Herb Dean Herb Sendek and Herb Alpert.

Which means KFC follows 6 "Herbs" and 5 "Spices".

Mind. Blown.

Herb Scriber, a writer, knew something was up last month, though.

"So @kfc just followed me, five other people named Herb and...the Spice Girls. That's cute," he tweeted.

Everyone else seemed very impressed too!

We wonder how long KFC has been waiting for us to figure it out.

Twitter user Edge is now getting some recognition for figuring it out.

"Weirdest part of this whole thing is the @kfc Colonel adding me to @LinkedIn & endorsing me for social networking," Edge tweeted.

Now KFC is responding...

"You said you needed time. We're just giving you space. DM us when you're ready," the chicken franchise tweeted.

Well played KFC, well played!

Source: People / E News

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