
Little boy asks his Grandpa if anyone can see God. His Answer? I had chills.

<div><p>Seeing God is something many people wish they could do. </p><p>In reality, we see God through his actions and creations every day. He is with us at all times and He leads the way through His love. </p><p>But sometimes it can be hard to see Him and really know he is there. Especially since our Lord is not a physical human on Earth. </p><p>There is a great story, author unknown, about a young boy who asks his family about seeing God. It offers an interesting perspective on who and when we see Him. </p><p>This is the story.</p><div><figure><amp-img src="" srcset=" 550w" sizes="89vw" title="" alt="" height="9" width="16" layout="responsive"></amp-img><figcaption class="op-vertical-center"><cite>Everything Zoomer</cite></figcaption></figure></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>A small boy once approached his slightly older sister with a question about God.</p><p>"Susie, can anybody ever really see God?" he asked. Busy with other things, Susie curtly replied: "No, of course not, silly. God is so far up in heaven that nobody can see him."</p><p>Time passed, but his question still lingered, so he approached his mother: "Mom, can anybody ever really see God?" "No, not really," she gently said. "God is a spirit and he dwells in our hearts, but we can never really see him."</p><p>Somewhat satisfied but still wondering, the youngster went on his way. Not long afterwards, his saintly old grandfather took the little boy on a fishing trip. They were having a great time together -- it had been an ideal day. The sun was beginning to set with unusual splendor as the day ended.</p><p>The old man stopped fishing and turned his full attention to the exquisite beauty unfolding before him. &nbsp;On seeing the face of his grandfather reflecting such deep peace and contentment as he gazed into the magnificent ever-changing sunset, the little boy thought for a moment and finally spoke hesitatingly: "Granddad, I - I wasn't going to ask anybody else, but I wonder if you can tell me the answer to something I've been wondering about a long time. Can anybody, can anybody ever really see God?"</p><p>The old man did not even turn his head. A long moment slipped by before he finally answered. "Son," he quietly said. "It's getting so I can't see anything else."</p><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p></p></div>

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