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Man Annoys Lion On Safari, Gets An Instant Dose Of Karma

<div><p>The King of the Jungle doesn't need to take anyone's crap - remember that if you're ever on safari.</p><h3>In The Jungle</h3><p>A lion at the Gir Forest National Park in India was being tailed by a man in a car one morning, when he finally decided he'd had enough.</p><p>The lion turns around giving his best "what do you want" face as the man inside the car films with his window rolled down.</p><p>The man quickly found out why the lion has such a fearsome reputation.</p><p>His reaction once his window is rolled up is priceless; safe to say he learned a lesson!</p><p>Watch it unfold here</p><div><div><div><amp-youtube height="9" width="16" layout="responsive" data-videoid="AyiJSGGEYX0"></amp-youtube></div></div></div><h3>On Safari</h3><p>The Gir National Forest has daily safaris and is a hot spot for tourists. They advertise jeep safaris that bring you as close to Asiatic lions as possible, and they certainly delivered on this one. </p><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>If you're looking to see a lion up close and personal you could go on a safari for less than $200, of course you'd need to get to India first.</p><p>Just a tip though, maybe don't bother the lions.</p></div>

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