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Man Admits To "Kind Of Cheating" On His Wife, And Everyone Loved It

Facebook - Jason Hewlett

To me, cheating on your partner is unforgivable. I'm very fortunate to have never been cheated on, but I can't imagine the pain it inflicts on a person. Some couples are able to work through it, and I respect their decision to do so, I'm just not sure I could ever forgive my husband for straying from the marriage.

For Jason Hewlett, his "cheating" gained him viral attention and a lot of praise. It also probably got him a few brownie points with his wife Tami.

Hewlett, who is a professional entertainer, wrote about the experience on Facebook.

[...]as I went to pay I saw this woman in line that knocked me out. I thought, "Wow, some lucky guy is with her", and in a split second I realized it was my wife! You know, it was just out of context to see my spouse at the same store, in the same line, living her life and not knowing she might be at the same place, same time, different car.

There was a person between us, so I just watched my cute little Love, tried to text her stuff like, "Hey Hottie" and "What are you buying now my Babelicious?", none of which got her attention as she was looking for a coupon she'd saved just for this purchase.

So I gave up getting her attention, as you can imagine I easily could have humiliated her by leaping on the register as a Raptor and really making her publicly proud, and instead just stood back and silently observed my feelings about this woman.

Now do you see why he said he "kind of" cheated? It was his own wife! Hewlett was caught off guard by a beautiful woman, and it was the woman he loved. How cute is that? That's why no one really cared that he "cheated." Is it cheating if you just don't recognize your own wife?

Hewlett went on to explain three things he learned from the experience.

First off, I was taken aback by how amazingly beautiful she is once again. I believe I see it often, but today, not knowing she was at the store, I saw her with new eyes and just couldn't believe I get to be her fella. It made me blush - but no one could see it under my huge monster Movember beard.

Second, it amazed me that she didn't notice me in the slightest. This is both a good and a bad thing. Good in that she doesn't have a wandering eye. Good in that she didn't see the creepy dude with the overgrown mink on his face peering over her shoulder.

But maybe that's bad, too, like what if it hadn't been me? I need to get her another can of mace just in case. But it was also bad because I realized how close I came to not ever winning her love in the first place, and the herculean efforts I had to make all those years ago to even get her attention just to say yes to one date!

For a minute I felt that familiar grief of doom when I first saw her and knew well, that's impossible. But somehow I nabbed her despite my insecurities, inabilities, and imperfections.

Hewlett then went on to explain why he's glad he "kind of cheated."

Third, I was ultimately so pleased to see her in complete confidence on this day, as the independent, capable, humble, fun, sweet, kind, awesome person she is. And then she grabbed her things and walked out the door. I never said anything, didn't flag her down, just watched her walk away, admiringly, knowing she's my wife and I love everything about this woman.

She rarely looks at Facebook so she won't see this post, she won't realize she was kind of cheated on today, but I thought I'd share with you all since I'm just a dweeby guy making my way through life, and at the same time sure there are those who have had the same experiences regarding their loved ones in one way or another, and these moments are perfect.

Lesson of the Day: It's good to look at those we love with fresh eyes whenever we can to remind us how lucky we are to have their light in our lives.

Hewlett is SO right! Sometimes we fall into such a routine with our spouses that we forget to look at all the reasons we fell in love to begin with. All of the comments were praising Hewlett for givng us all the reminder we needed.

"If both man and woman took a second look at their spouse and feel this way. they would not have any regrets," Laveda Messerli wrote.

"That's how I feel when I see my husband in the same store at the same time get all [giddy] inside," Ronda Sonterre-Voss admitted.

"You are a good man. May you and the love you have for your wife continue to flourish," wished Michael Duke.

[H/T: FaithTap]

If my husband "cheated" like this, I don't think I would mind!

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