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Most Hated Man In America Is Headed Back To Jail For His Comments On Hillary Clinton

Richard Drew/AP

One of the most hated men in America is about to get exactly what he deserves.

Martin Shrkeli, the former CEO of a major pharmaceutical company, gained notoriety after he raised the price of a crucial AIDS drug that his company sold, by 5000%. Though that act in itself is not illegal, it's easily one of the biggest douchebag moves that a human being can make, making life saving medicine un-affordable to everyone but the super-rich. His ridiculous behavior earned him a nickname more appropriate for the cast of Animal House, than a CEO, "Pharma Bro."

CBS News

Shkreli was out on bail after being convicted of three counts of securities fraud this past August. I am happy to say that his bail has been revoked, and he is going to spend the remainder of his time while he awaits sentencing, locked up. He faces up to 20 years in prison if given the maximum sentence.

His bail was revoked after he made a post on Facebook offering to pay $5000 for a single strand of Hillary Clinton's hair, including the follicle. Though I am sure that "Pharma Bro" meant it as a joke, Judge Kiyo Matsumoto determined that it in fact constituted a "solicitation of assault", something that is not protected by the First Amendment.  


To understand the bail system, you only need to know one thing; keep yourself out of trouble and don't do anything stupid. Apparently that is too much for Pharma Bro to comprehend, and he now gets to spend a little bit more time behind bars, where I might add, infamy is not going to be a good thing.

I know that I shouldn't be so happy about this, but anyone who puts profits before the lives of people who need life-saving medication deserves everything that they have coming to them. Money wont make you special behind bars "Bro". But I will give you one piece of advice, don't drop the soap.

Richard Drew/AP

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