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Mila Kunis Makes A Joke About Her Kids That Sparks Some Serious Controversy


Celebrities have to be extra careful of what they say in front of their millions of fans, which can be quite daunting for them since they're just like everyone else who has some kind of unfavorable opinion about an issue.

While you'd expect to hear debatable comments from celebrities like Steve Harvey or Chrissy Teigen, even some of our favorites have been in hot water over some of their controversial opinions.

For example, Matt Damon, the beloved actor who has been trying to solve the world's water crisis, was making headlines for his controversial comments about the hottest topic of last year: the #MeToo Movement.

"We're in this watershed moment, and it's great, but I think one thing that's not being talked about is there are a whole s**tload of guys "” the preponderance of men I've worked with "” who don't do this kind of thing and whose lives aren't going to be affected," he told Business Insider.

After he received a lot of hate from fans for his comments, Damon told the Today show, "I really wish I'd listened a lot more before I weighed in on this. I think ultimately what it is for me is that I don't want to further anybody's pain with anything that I do or say, so for that, I'm really sorry."

Now another one of our favorite celebrities is getting criticized for a comment she made during her recent appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

While some people are taking Mila Kunis's comment about her children as a joke, there are others who are accusing her of "casual sexism"...

The 34-year-old actress has been making us laugh ever since her appearance on That '70s Show, but many people aren't sure if her opinions about men and women are just a joke.

While Mila and Kate McKinnon were talking to Ellen about their upcoming movie, The Spy Who Dumped Me, the topic of her two kids came up.

Mila talked about what it's like to raise her daughter, Wyatt Isabelle Kutcher, 3, and son, Dimitri Portwood Kutcher, 1.

We don't hear much about her kids or thoughts about raising them often, so we listened closely.

"They're incredibly different. My boy's like a sloth. He's wonderful, and I love him," she told Ellen.

"One day he'll probably watch this and be like, 'Why did you say that?' ... But the truth is, women are smarter than men. And I have this evident from my two different humans that I created."

"Girls are just like on it and boys are like, dum da-dum. They're more like little linebackers going through life and like Neanderthal-ish. So there's an element where Wyatt will be like, 'Pass the cup, please.' My boy's like, 'Eh, eh.' That's it! That's all you get ... There's just a huge difference," she added.

Mila's son may be offended by this comment in the future, but at this point in time, some men and women are upset by the actress's sexist remarks...

While some loved the linebacker comparison and enjoyed the rest of the show, others weren't pleased with her opinion that "women are smarter than men."

"Absolutely right," one social media user joked. "Here's a short list of some female Nobel Prize Winners in 2017: in Physics: Rainer Weiss, Barry C. Barish, Kip S. Thorne, in Chemistry: Jacques..."

One user said sexism seems to be okay when only women make jokes about it:

"Because casual sexism is funny, as long as it is against men."

Another user was so displeased by Mila's comment that they attacked her son for being "retarded."

"Has it ever occurred to you that YOUR son might be retarded? You probably know that that fact does not mean women are smarter than men."

All that nastiness aside, one person took a step back and analyzed this issue from a different perspective:

"She's entitled to her opinion, and no one is getting hurt because of it. Her kids are also very young so there's no telling how they'll end up. That's just something she's observed so far about her kids. Mila Kunis is a comedian, and if you are going to take everything she says seriously, then just don't listen to her."

Do you think Mila Kunis's comment about her children should have been taken seriously?

[H/T: Cafemom]

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