
Mom Caught Breastfeeding on Live TV

<div><p>Breastfeeding moms know that when a baby has to eat, there is little you can do make them wait- even if you're on live TV. </p><p>Rachel Sklar, a writer and entrepreneur, had a live broadcast with CBC News where she agreed to appear as a guest commentator. She was home with 1-year-old Ruby when she was asked to comment on the new diverse Barbie dolls during a segment of the show. </p><p>"They had reached out to invite me to comment on the new diverse Barbies, and I let them know I was home with no childcare and might have to nurse her to keep her quiet if I couldn't get her to sleep "• which is what I did!" <a href="">Sklar explained.</a> "I used my laptop camera and set it up so it cropped me just below the shoulders. It was about a five minute segment."</p><div><amp-twitter height="472" width="375" layout="responsive" data-tweetid="835179290081779716"></amp-twitter></div><p></p><p>It wasn't until the end of the segment that Ruby's hand sneakily appeared in the frame and gave away what this working mom had been doing while she was participating the interview. </p><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>She captioned a GIF of the event on her Twitter feed "I went on TV while nursing and you couldn't tell (until the end)" </p><p>This wasn't the first time she had to breastfeed on live TV. In another appearance in October, Ruby woke up halfway through a segment. </p><p>"She toddled out, so I scooped her up and breastfed her on air again. Her little arms came up this time too," <a href="">Sklar recalled,</a> adding that she'd warned CBC ahead of time this might happen. </p><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>Over the last decade, Sklar has been providing occasional comments on matters related to media, politics and gender to the CBC. </p><p>In the past Sklar has had to figure out different ways to occupy her baby while doing live television. </p><p>During a CBC News segment about then-president candidate Donald Trup and Saturday Night Live in October, Sklar got creative with a bouncy chair and her iPad.</p><div><amp-instagram height="1" width="1" layout="responsive" data-captioned="" data-shortcode="9wnMqGLhdi"></amp-instagram></div><p>"I rocked Ruby in the bouncer with my foot while holding the iPad out and talking into it," <a href="">she explained, adding,</a> "That was not the best setup." </p><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p> </p><p></p><div><amp-twitter height="472" width="375" layout="responsive" data-tweetid="827577744783507456"></amp-twitter></div><p>What do you think about how this mom balances work and family life? </p></div>

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