
Internet Bullies Turned Her Son Into A Cruel Joke, Now This Mom Is Fighting Back

AliceAnn Meyer

Imagine how shocked AliceAnn Meyer of San Antonio, Texas was when she discovered her son's picture had been turned into a heartless joke.

Another mother had seen the picture of Meyer's son, Jameson, on social media. She recognized the boy's face because she's in the same Facebook group for parents of children with craniofacial deformities as Meyer.

AliceAnn Meyers / Facebook

Jameson, who's now six years old, was born with a rare condition called Pfeiffer syndrome. While his face and skull did not develop normally, Jameson is an otherwise happy and healthy little boy.

His mother told ABC News that he can be "a little prankster," and "very mischievous."

"He loves to get a laugh out of people. We hear from his teachers and therapist how much he plays jokes and he's just a super fun kid."

AliceAnn Meyer

But Jameson's online bullies didn't see that. Instead, they compared him to a pug in a picture that went viral across social media.

"The first time I saw it I just kind of looked at it and said 'It's not even funny,'" Meyer told Today.

"Someone actually took the time to sit down and [create] it and I don't understand that. I was shocked, for sure."

But Meyer managed to turn the tables on Jameson's bullies with a post on her blog that everyone needs to see.

Of course Meyer and her husband had the rude photo of Jameson taken down, but it only continued to pop up on Facebook.

AliceAnn Meyers

Some of the users who posted it even argued with Meyer that the photo "was not even a real person "” that it was a photoshopped image."

The mother-of-five realized this unfortunate situation was a perfect "teachable moment," and shared more information about Jameson and his condition on her website Jameson's Journey.

Jameson on his third birthday.AliceAnn Meyers

"If you are going to laugh and share this meme," she wrote, "I think you should know exactly what it is you are sharing and laughing at."

"So, to everyone that "˜LOL'd', shared, and posted that meme, let me start by introducing you to the child you find so funny. His name is Jameson. He is very real, and he was born with Pfeiffer syndrome."

AliceAnn Meyer

Meyer also wrote that social media websites need to work harder to prevent vulnerable children from being bullied.

She says other parents have even reached out to her with similar stories about their own kids.

"It seems that if a report by anyone involves a child, the content should immediately be disabled until the issue is reviewed by a staff member," Meyer suggested.

AliceAnn Meyer

While it's painful to see strangers bully her son, Meyer managed use an awful situation to teach the world about Jameson, and other children like him.

"His face was everywhere and I thought it was a great opportunity to say 'This is my son and this is who he is and this is what he has,'" she said.

"I can't stop people from doing horrible things, but if his face is out there, I may as well make it for good rather than bad."

You can learn more about Jameson on Meyer's blog.

I can't believe anyone would tease this special little boy! This mom sets an example for all of us!

[H/T: Today, ABC News]

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