
Rainbow Churros Are The Color Your Day Needed

<div><p>There may not be a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow, but it will definitely leave you feeling fantastic about the treat you chose. </p><p>This colorful loop of fried dough covered in the most beautiful colors will have hearts in your eyes. </p><p><a href="">The Loop</a>- a handcrafted churros shop in Westminister, California has taken the classic treat and covering them with colorful sugar to make it look like rainbows and giving your Instagram feed the color it needed to brighten your day. </p><div><amp-instagram height="1" width="1" layout="responsive" data-captioned="" data-shortcode="BRjjRc1g5ll"></amp-instagram></div><p>It doesn't stop there though. You can now top your ice cream with one of these beautiful sticks of color.</p><div><amp-instagram height="1" width="1" layout="responsive" data-captioned="" data-shortcode="BRwDyJHg1Rl"></amp-instagram></div><div><amp-instagram height="1" width="1" layout="responsive" data-captioned="" data-shortcode="BRrkZYMgAPX"></amp-instagram></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>Look at how amazing these are to make, with this behind-the-scene video. </p><div><amp-instagram height="1" width="1" layout="responsive" data-captioned="" data-shortcode="BRth9hqgJiB"></amp-instagram></div><p>This isn't the first time, The Loop has taken this classic fried dough treat and put a literal fun twist on it. This drool-inducing menu will have you jumping into the car for their Fruity Pebbles, Sprinkles and even Smores flavored desserts. </p><p>This is what happiness looks like!</p><div><amp-instagram height="1" width="1" layout="responsive" data-captioned="" data-shortcode="BRHsqnegzKK"></amp-instagram></div><div><amp-instagram height="1" width="1" layout="responsive" data-captioned="" data-shortcode="BRmUPDoAUC4"></amp-instagram></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p></p><p>Start the car! It's time for a road-trip. </p></div>

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