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Ship Hit By Huge 100 Foot Wave

Waves make that nice sound that beach-goers know and love. They provide lots of run for surfers, swimmers and sailors, but stray far enough away from the safety of the beach and waves turn into something much more terrifying. This video proves it.

Sailing the North Sea the weather can be unpredictable, so when the waves started to kick up they started filming. Their footage will make you kiss the dry ground you walk on.

You can almost feel the swells as the ship pitches up and down, but then you see a wave that dwarfs the rest. The ship was hit by a wave estimated at over 100 feet. It crashes into the boat, soaking the screen and leaving you feeling dizzy.

At least I felt dizzy afterwards.

If this boat was any smaller it would have been a catastrophe, but thankfully everyone on board was safe.

Watch below if you're brave enough:

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