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Sit, Stay, Skateboard! Stunt Dog Does 20 Tricks In 1 Minute

<div><p>We have no idea how you teach a dog to ride a surfboard, but Omar Von Muller seems to have figured it out.</p><p>Von Muller trains dogs professionally, and some of his best students have been in some pretty famous Hollywood movies. Remember Uggie, the Jack Russell who stole everyone's hearts in <em>The Artist</em>? Von Muller trained him. </p><p>Since then he's been hard at work teaching Jumpy, an Australian border collie, how to do everything from dive underwater to run on walls and even ride a scooter. In this incredible video, Jumpy shows of 20 tricks that most <strong>people</strong> would have trouble pulling off!</p><div><amp-youtube height="9" width="16" layout="responsive" data-videoid="lZNPYBVUMe8"></amp-youtube></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>Don't you feel dizzy just from watching him run around? There are lots more videos of Jumpy, Uggie, and other dogs Von Muller has trained on his <a href="">YouTube channel</a>. Just don't expect your dog will be able to pull off these stunts if you watch them!</p><h3>Share this awesome video with someone who loves dogs!</h3></div>

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