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Skateboarding Dog Crashes Into A Revolving Door, And It's Adorable (Video)

<div><p>How are your skateboarding skills? I know mine could use some work.</p><p>This pup no doubt has me beat for what he can do on 4 wheels. </p><p><a href="">Eroc The Dog</a> can be found skateboarding through the park, down the streets and most recently into the front doors of the BBC. </p><p>This natural talent picked up the French Bulldog, has people turning heads when he jumps onto his skateboard unassisted.</p><p>Eric Spock MacLean, also known as Erocdog was seen showing off his skills outside the front door of the BBC in central London. That's when a Twitter user shot this video of the dog's owner chasing after him as he nearly collides with the revolving glass door. </p><p></p><div><amp-instagram height="1" width="1" layout="responsive" data-captioned="" data-shortcode="BUH1poUDwi4"></amp-instagram></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>And people are loving it!</p><div><amp-twitter height="472" width="375" layout="responsive" data-tweetid="862766530458787840"></amp-twitter></div><p><strong>Share this adorable pup moment with a friend. </strong></p></div>

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