
"Snow Artist" Makes The Most Patriotic Snow Sculptures You'll Ever See


If you're from one of the many parts of the country that sees snow in the winter, chances are you're more likely to roll your eyes at the fluffy white stuff than you are get excited by it. Once you're no longer 7, snow is usually more of an inconvenience than something to play with.

Unless, of course, you're Rick Horton.

Horton lives in Indiana, so he sees his fair share of snowfall. For over 20 years, he's turned the snow into his own personal muse, creating beautiful works of art with it.

If you've been following any of the weather reports recently, it's been a snowy year already. Indiana recently got walloped with a big snowfall, which meant it was time for Horton to go to work.

Better known on Facebook as "The Snow Artist", Horton keeps his thousands of fans updated as to his latest creation. This time he was working on something to get any American's blood pumping: a bald eagle.

Horton created a giant, 9-ft eagle sculpture that is impressively detailed. The icon of our great country made a patriotic figure on his front yard. Unfortunately, after the weather warmed up, his great eagle crumbled.

Not to be deterred, Horton came up with an even better idea.

Horton said he spent over 9 hours in a blizzard turning the remains of his giant eagle into two bald eagles. These ones were able to stand the test of time so far, allowing Horton to paint them their natural colors.

The stunning creations got noticed in a big way. His original post was shared thousands of times and his story even got picked up by major news outlets.

Local and national news outlets have been raving about Horton's snowy skills. The humble artist doesn't appear to have let the popularity go to his head though.

While his eagles are magnificent and much of his other work is equally notable, Horton shared some of his....less than stellar creations.

It's amazing to see how far he's come. We look forward to his next great work of art!

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