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With A Hurricane Threatening She Asked Her Professor For A Favor, And He Didn't Disappoint

When Hurricane Irma was threatening the south-eastern seaboard, many people took the advice of government officials an decided to evacuate.

When Jessica Lewis felt the danger was too much, she knew she needed to pack up her belongings and head home to Atlanta for the weekend. But there was no way she was leaving without her best friend, Luna.

As the storm approached, it became obvious that Jessica was not the only one who took the warnings to heart. Traffic was already beginning to back up on the highways throughout Georgia and it seemed like it would only be worse .

With her Friday schedule cancelled, she only had one class remaining on Thursday before she could go to the safety of her parents. She decided to reach out to her professor to see if he would allow her to bring Luna to class so she could make a speedy get-away.

Fortunately, Professor Joshua Kennedy is an avid dog lover, and understood her situation, and so responded accordingly.

Normally professors would worry about the extra distractions that an animal would add to the classroom, but Luna had other plans.

As both dog and owner made their way to school, Jessica began to get worried that Luna would be too nervous to behave.

"She's actually awful on a leash and we've had a hard time training her with it, so she dragged me across campus on the way there," she said.

Despite the brewing storm, once the two of them made it inside Luna calmed and was able to go around the classroom.

"She just walked around the classroom and got pets from everyone and made friends. The students were overall pretty excited about it when they saw her. They just took notes while they petted her and we all laughed together (professor included) when she did something funny," Lewis added.

The Hurricane made it's way over the city, but luckily there wasn't much damage and classes were able to reopen the following Monday.

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