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Tattooed Santa Was Asked To Stop Flipping Kids Upside Down, And People Are Angry

The Japan Times

How many of us remember going to Santa as a kid to get our picture taken? If your parents were anything like mine, then you would find yourself dressed up in your Sunday best, told to be on your best behavior, and not to fight with your siblings.

Well, that tradition has been changing up lately, and one particular Santa is helping to make this a more fun activity to remember.

A mall Santa in Pennsylvania has gained a following over the years thanks to his unorthodox methods when posing for pictures.

Scott Diethorne, or Santa Scott, offers to take weird requests for people's holiday photos. These have included holding pets, showing off his "Naughty" and "Nice" tattoos" inked along his forearms, and even flipping your kids upside down, and all for no extra cost.

Despite the joy that Santa Scott's large fan base gets from his enthusiastic demonstrations, Cherry Hill Studios, the photo company working with the mall has asked him to "tone it down" this year.

And holiday shoppers have some thoughts on that.

When the company said that they wanted Santa Scott to ease up on the stunts, he respectfully obeyed, worried that the job that he loves to do was in jeopardy.

However, one fan heard about this predicament and posted about it on Facebook to mobilize the community.

The post got the attention of the town, and people began looking for ways to work with their favorite Kris Kringle. Now, another local photography studio has offered their resources to continue the tradition, and allow people to take their awesome Christmas photos with the coolest Santa in town.

His daughter, Megan Greene, said that there's a reason people love going back to Santa Scott.

She says "his big heart, love for others, and his joy in being Santa Claus will always set him aside from the others."

Share if you would want your kids to have their photos taken with Santa Scott!

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