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These Parents Left The Camera Rolling, Their Twins' Mischief Is Beyond Cute

<div><p>Andrew and Ryan Balkin are a pair of mischievous twin boys who most definitely give their parents a run for their money! </p><p>The 2-year-old twins seem to know exactly when Mom and Dad are out of earshot, because they appear to wait for just the right do start their late-night playfest!</p><p>When Mom and Dad set up a camera in the boys' room, they certainly weren't expecting to capture this mini adventure:</p><div><amp-facebook data-href="https://www.facebook.com/fox46charlotte/videos/500804380043666" layout="responsive" height="600" width="640"></amp-facebook></div><p>Even after their parents put them back to bed, these two are determined to stay awake on their own terms. These little rascals climb out of their cribs for one more chat on the couch before they finally settle down to sleep. </p><p>Good luck, Mom and Dad - you'll need it!</p><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p></div>

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