An adorable, fuzzy little puppy was discovered wrapped up in a bag inside of a garbage bin. He was shivering, scared and very hungry.
When Good Samaritans brought him to an animal rescue center, he was rejected because they deemed him "unadoptable." But fate made certain that little Cupid got another chance.

When he was brought to Joan Znidarec, president and co-founder of The Dog Rescuers Inc. in Oakville, Ontario, Canada, she refused to turn him away.
"This little guy is an absolute love with the most adorable personality and a heart-shaped nose," she writes on their website. Right now, they suspect that he is a Great Pyrenese cross, but they won't know until he grows bigger.

Little Cupid was nursed back to health and now that he's strong enough, he's learning to walk!
He's been fitted with a pair of custom prosthetic legs and skiis! The pup is slowly learning how to balance and slide across the floor after treats and tennis balls.

Like all puppies, he's a little wiggly, which means he'll have to learn how to balance and build up core strength. He'll receive some physiotherapy and swimming practice to condition his muscles.

Znidarec promises that they will choose his adoptive family very carefully and that they intend to remain involved every step of the way.

Watch the video here:
What a cutie! Follow Cupid's story here.
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