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Turn Your Garden Into A Magical Wonderland With This DIY Gazing Ball

It's time for your garden to shine! I'm sure you've seen these shiny orbs scattered about in neighbors' gardens. They add a touch of magical whimsy to an otherwise plain garden. I've always loved gazing balls and have a few in my garden - not only do they add a nice focal point to your yard but it's an easy way to add some visual interest without any serious effort.

The problem with these garden orbs is that they're not cheap. It's possible to spend more than $100 on one ball, and that just sounds crazy to me. The better way to do it is to just make them yourself!

For this particular gazing ball I used shiny glass stones from the dollar store (you can also buy them online here), a Styrofoam ball (you can also use a smoothfoam ball), and hot glue. If you want your gazing ball to be able to withstand the elements I strongly suggest getting a smoothfoam ball and to use clear construction adhesive instead of hot glue. If you don't use these things it's ok, just make sure to bring the ball inside when the weather gets extreme, or just use the ball as an indoor decoration.

All you need to do is completely cover the ball in glass stones and you're all set! It's a super easy project that's much cheaper than the store-bought version.

Looking for more garden decorations? Check these ones out!

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Keep scrolling to see how to make these magical gazing balls for your garden!

Start by taking your Styrofoam or smoothfoam ball and gluing your glass stones to the surface. You want to completely cover the ball in stones.

OPTIONAL - you can paint the surface of the ball with acrylic paint before gluing on the glass.

Once you've covered the ball in stones you're done and your new garden decoration is ready to go!

Place the balls in potted plants or in your flower beds. You can also use these balls as decorations for weddings, parties or table centerpieces.

See below for the easy-to-read instructions for how to make these Gazing Balls.



  1. Start by taking your Styrofoam or smoothfoam ball and gluing your glass stones to the surface. You want to completely cover the ball in stones.
  2. OPTIONAL - you can paint the surface of the ball with acrylic paint before gluing on the glass.
  3. Once you've covered the ball in stones you're done and your new garden decoration is ready to go!

Ideas for how to use your new Gazing Balls:

  • In garden beds or flower pots
  • As wedding decorations
  • As table centerpieces

How will you use your new Gazing Balls?

Do you know someone who loves homemade garden decorations? Make sure to share this project with them!

Watch our video below that shows you step-by-step how to make these DIY Gazing Balls.

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