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Walmart Created A "Maze" To Contain Black Friday Crowds, But It Is Total Chaos

Bob J Galindo-Wikimedia Commons/SladeAdams4-Twitter

The busiest shopping day of the year is finally here!

While some major retailers, like Costco and Nordstrom, decided to keep their doors closed this Black Friday, others like Walmart, are honoring the long-standing tradition.

This morning, shoppers have been flooding Walmart stores across the country in search of good deals, and were greeted by new crowd control measures that only seemed to make things even more chaotic.

People were surprised to find that the retail giant has made some rearrangements to the stores' layout, which is supposedly done to make the check-out process quicker and to highlight popular products.

According to the Business Insider, Walmart even introduced new color-coded maps to help customers navigate the stores, but that appeared to have only created more confusion.

Many customers have since taken to social media to voice their disappointment over Walmart's Black Friday revamp.

Based on some of the tweets, it seems like there were some closed aisles and lots of boxes blocking people's paths.

Of course, some lucky shoppers were able to successfully navigate the stores and come out with the items on their lists, but that's partly due to the "Check Out With Me" option that Walmart introduced this year.

This new service allows employees stationed in the busiest parts of the stores to check out customers using mobile devices, and it has been very popular with customers.

Despite the mob and the complicated layout, people are still making their way to their local Walmart stores to kick-off their holiday shopping. So if you're someone who doesn't like big crowds, you'll want to think twice before going to Walmart today.

Will you be shopping on Black Friday?

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