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What You Need to Do Before Your First-Floor Remodel

While your home is your sanctuary, sometimes the space can get neglected. Between the stresses of everyday life and the cost and upheaval of renovations, remodeling is likely not at the top of your priorities. However, revamping your space to make it a peaceful oasis where you enjoy being can be life-changing.

Your first floor is where most of your daily life happens. It's where you cook, entertain, lounge, watch TV, and do many other actions. Of all of the places in your home, it is where you'll feel the benefits of remodeling the most.

Set Your Intentions

Like with any big project, think about what you want to get out of the space before you do anything. Is it so that you have a more enjoyable space? Will it enhance your healthy habits? Do you need to do it for maintenance or safety reasons?

It might be a combination of all three. More than half of Canadians renovated their home in 2020 for personal enjoyment. Of them, 29% were renovated to enhance lifestyle, and 29% were renovated for essential reasons, such as safety and maintenance. The truth is that any alteration to your living space will affect your mentality when you're inside the home.

Declutter Your Space for Your Mental Health

It goes without saying that you should enjoy being inside your home, and if things stand in the way, you must address them. Have you ever found yourself feeling more peaceful in a vacation rental or hotel room than when sitting on your couch? An uncluttered space is likely the reason.

Deeply consider whether or not you are able to live with minimal furniture and belongings inside the home, because minimalism is not for everyone. Be honest with yourself. You might go into the remodel thinking you'll be able to throw everything away that you own, only to realize that you need or want to hold onto some of it.

Set Yourself up for Success With Solid Storage Solutions

Ensure your closets and cabinets, especially in your kitchen, are well-organized. When you sort through your things, create realistic and sustainable ways to keep your food and belongings. The last thing you want is a perfectly arranged pantry but random stuff all over your counters, so make sure everything has a place.

Choose a Paint Color That Relaxes You

The color of a room can define your mood. Yes, it sounds dramatic, but it's true. Have you ever walked into a dark-colored room and felt claustrophobic? Or, do you find when you're inside a greyish room that it seems like the temperature has dropped? Picking the right shade of paint will define your space's vibe, so choose one that makes you feel good.

Other people will feel the energy shift too. According to Open Door, painting your interior can yield up to a 107% return on investment. You don't need to paint your kitchen, dining room, living room, and hallways the same color. It's better to break it up so that each space feels fresh. Light colors work well in kitchens, whereas an accent wall in a dining room can be a bold statement.

It Can Be as Big or Small as You Want

The remodel can be as drastic or subtle as you like. You can knock out your kitchen and add a new one, or simply paint your dining room wall. Small changes can mentally feel as dramatic as big ones.

According to House Method, 93% of remodeling clients reported a better quality of life after renovating. So, take the time to declutter your space, choose a paint palette that makes you feel at ease, and figure out what you're trying to get from your remodel and why. Your mental health will thank you.

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