When you've got two dogs, they keep each other company, share food and toys, and help each other out of difficult situations. Not only are they best friends, but they tend to also become partners in crime. But when it comes to getting in trouble, friendship might go out the window.
That's what happened when a Chinese owner discovered her two dogs in a kitchen corner with a pile of ripped-up papers at their feet.
In the adorable video captured by the owner, a Samoyed and Golden Retriever sit side by side, looking expectantly at the woman.

"Which one of you made the mess?" she asks.
While the Retriever turns his head away, the Samoyed growls in a low murmur as if to say: "It was him!" and points his paw towards his friend.

"Was it him?" the owner asks.
The innocent dog makes a noise low in his throat and again points out the culprit. Just look at that smug face!

Continue to the next page to watch the video! It's worth it, we promise!
Can you imagine a friend snitching on you like this? The big white dog has no problem pointing out his companion's mistake. There's no loyalty between these friends when they risk losing their treats for the day!
"He said is was you," the owner says, while turning to the guilty-looking Retriever. He's been betrayed and he avoids eye contact with his owner.
"Was it really him?" the woman asks, just to be sure.

The adorable Samoyed eagerly points at his buddy a third time while the Retriever hangs his head in shame. He has no way out of this one!
The video, which was originally posted on Twitter by People's Daily, has since had thousands of views, and it's no wonder.
Watch the full video below:
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