
5 Reasons Why Parents Are Excited The Kids Are (Finally) Going Back to School

Remember when the school year ended? That meant no more packing lunches, fighting over screen time when the kids get home, worrying about sending them to school with allergens, and insisting they start their homework. We were excited! You were over the moon at the possibility of throwing out the daily routine for beach days, summer barbecues and maybe a family vacation.

As the weeks wore on, the glory of ditching the routine faded and we were left with a semi-chaotic, confused household. I found myself starting to count the days until the kids headed back to class and things returned to normal.

This one goes out to all the parents that are ready to say goodbye to the extra work of summer, and hello to that favorite time of year we call "back to school"!

Here is why I am excited the kids are finally heading back to school. I bet most of you can relate!


I don't know how it happens, but it seems like there is a record amount of laundry to do during the summer. Somehow it multiplies and I feel like I spend half my day washing, drying, folding and putting away pint-sized shorts and T-shirts. I am convinced that they wear an outfit for an hour before changing to something else.

Summer Camp Shuffle

If you're not a teacher or somehow have 3 months of vacation time saved up at work, you need to find ways to fill your kids' days during the summer. Rushing to drop-offs and pick-ups for summer camp is the norm. Do you recall asking if the counselor knows CPR, wondering how your kid lost their water bottle again and then realizing you forgot to pack sunscreen in their bag the second you get to work? The summer break can be super hectic, not to mention the added cost of camp that puts your budget over the top.

"I'm Bored...."

If you're lucky enough to get some time away from work to be at home with the kids, this is a familiar phrase. It translates to, "Entertain me, Mom", to which I reply, read a book or clean your room. You can imagine how excited they get about those responses. I know they are looking for more TV time or to play their video games, but they aren't doing that all day. I have now resorted to telling them to find a way to occupy themselves because, if they're bored, that's their problem to solve.


It seems like everything is a battle the longer they're at home. Whether it's a fight about doing their chores, or because they're bored, it seems like there is always an argument to be had. I look forward to when they're back in school and have other things to occupy their mind when they get home.

Finally Some Peace and Quiet

While I love my kids to death, when they board that school bus to start another school year, I can finally hear myself think again. Don't get me wrong, I do love spending summer time together, but on the other hand- silence.

So you're excited, but are they excited too? There are ways to get them to feel the excitement about heading back for another school year.

While you may be looking forward to all things back to school, your little ones may feel otherwise. It's time to get them ready as you are to head back to the classroom for another school year.

Take Them Back to School Shopping

Shopping always makes us feel better, so picking out new clothes, shoes and school supplies will get your kid's excitement up for a new school year to start. You can also get them involved in the food shopping. Taking them with you to pick out fruit and snacks for their lunches for the first week of school can be fun too.

Check Out The School

If you live close by, take a walk or bike ride to the school grounds with your child. Just by seeing the playground and location of the school they will become excited for the days to come.

Include School in Story Time

There are plenty of great books about starting school or heading back to the classroom. These stories can help calm their fears and realize that what they're feeling is common.

Plan Extra-Curricular Activities

Kids that don't get excited about classroom learning may show an interest in playing a sport, taking dance or doing art after school instead. Whether you enroll your child in a regular activity for after school, or you plan special play dates or outing after their classroom time has ended, they will look forward to trying an activity they really enjoy.

Label Their Stuff

What kid doesn't love stickers? Get them involved in labeling all their stuff for school and preparing it so that it's ready to go to the classroom. Seeing them take ownership of their school belongings will make them ready for what's to come.

Focus on the Positive

Starting school can bring about a ton of negative feelings as the first days and weeks wear on. Try to focus on the positive by remind your child of their talents and strengths. Remind them that things will get easier, just as it did when they first learned to ride a bike or climb a difficult play structure at the park.

Are you as excited about back to school as I am?

Source: Empowering Parents / Huffington Post

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