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Cats Who Just Forgot To Put Their Tongue Away

Man, cats are so weird.

They control our lives, yet we still somehow love them. The cat is sitting in your spot? Guess you're finding a new spot. Cat is curled up on your sweater? Guess you're wearing a different outfit. Cat is sleeping in the middle of your bed? Hope you like the couch.

But sometimes cats experience glitches in the matrix and just end up looking adorably ridiculous.

Take, for example, these cats who just somehow forgot to put their tongues away. A simple, every day task that just seemed to elude them in the moment.

Has your cat ever done this?

Now, you may be wondering WHY cats stick their tongues out like this. Is it psychological?

The answer is actually really simple: they legitimately forget to put them back in.

Cats spend most of their lives grooming themselves (when they're not sleeping, of course) and sometimes they get distracted halfway through a bath and their tongue ends up hanging out. There's nothing else to it!

Some cats also end up with their tongues out when they sleep. Regardless of the reason, it's pretty darn cute!

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