
Destroyed Makeup Display Prompts Mom-Shaming, But People Aren't Having It

When Brittney Nelson, a makeup artist from Georgia was shopping at a Sephora store she saw something that hit a nerve.

A display featuring Make Up For Ever eye shadows had been completely destroyed, seemingly by a child.

Snapping the image of the $1,300 worth of destroyed makeup, she shared it on Facebook where it hit home with a lot of beauty-lovers, as well as parents.

"I'm sure he/she thought they were finger paints and had no idea how naughty they were being," Nelson began. "Mammas, please shop for your makeup without your tiny humans. It's not fun for you . . . or them . . . or the expensive product."

She noted in her post that she "about passed out" when she saw the "atrocity," adding advice on how people should parent their children.

That's when the heated debate sparked.

People are reacting to Nelson's post with shock, horror, and even rage.

"It looked 100 times worse in real life," Nelson said in her post.


With over 23,000 reactions, 21,000 comments and 27,000 shares, many were appalled by the makeup being destroyed, others took to mom-shaming.

"There's no excuse for this. Parents take their kids into businesses, completely ignore them like they're not there, and expect the work staff to babysit them. A good parent never leaves their child out of sight," one person said.

Another wrote:  "The parent should have to pay for all of this. And I say parent Loosely! where was the parent when all of this was happening? it should not have happened if the parent was paying attention to their child."


But it wasn't just the fact that she called out the culprit in her post that had people heated.

Others accused Nelson of shaming parents who don't have another choice but to shop with their children.

"It's not easy to just leave your kids behind. The note should be to make sure you keep an eye out on your child while you shop," one person tweeted.

"Ummmm as a mom of 2 with ZERO help or babysitter ever . . . I don't appreciate this post. Though I do teach my kids to behave & respect other people's things."


It was clear that Nelson's post rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. Many questioning whether she has kids of her own.

"I've needed to bring Allie into many makeup stores as she's grown and had a strict 'hands in pockets' rule for her and a strict 10-minute rule for me," Nelson wrote. "It was very helpful, so if you must take your kiddos makeup shopping, I suggest trying it."

Even though Nelson didn't see the child in the act, she is confident she knows who was responsible for the destruction.

"We walked in right as a lady and her kid were hustling out of there," Nelson told Insider. "The glittery footprints helped us decipher it was a tiny human."

Many people remain curious about how a young child, if in fact that was the culprit, got over to the display to make a mess of it.

"@Sephora had cameras everywhere! I'm sorry Sephora this just doesn't pass the sniff test! If U don't show the footage blocking the child's face doing this I have serious doubt about how this happened!" one person tweeted.

Sephora has declined to comment on the matter.

What do you think? Should the parent be held responsible for the damage?

Source: US Weekly / Refinery / Good Housekeeping

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