
Heartburn Almost Took My Favorite Tradition Away, But Omeprazole ODT Brought It Back

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Football, family and food.

Those three "F"s were such a big part of my childhood when I was growing up. Sitting on our lumpy old couch with my dad watching the Bills play.

To be honest the football wasn't always very good, but the food was. My dad is an incredible cook, mostly because he puts hot sauce on everything and I love hot sauce. We'd have wings, sure, but have you ever had a grilled cheese sandwich with hot sauce inside? It's incredible.

For years, we'd spend the fall and winter ending our weeks the same way. Sitting on that couch, eating, usually yelling, and laughing together. The food was great, but the time with my dad was even better.

Then he started getting heartburn and things began to change. For awhile, he refused to stop making our favorite foods, but he'd stop being able to make it to the late game. Then he finally gave in and tried different foods, but I could tell he wasn't as in to it as before.

It took me a little while to fully understand just how bad heartburn can feel. I had a teenager's stomach, nothing really bothered me. I came home from college and we had a Sunday just like we used to. He even made grilled cheese with hot sauce for me again. That's one of the first times I remember having heartburn and I completely understand now why it nearly stopped my favorite tradition.

Cutting out my favorite foods doesn't seem fair to me, so I went hunting for heartburn medication that would work. Because of my job I was able to try Omeprazole Orally Disintegrating Tablets (ODT) and I'm really excited about it.

Omeprazole ODT is available in stores and the new ODT combines the same relief with a melt-in-your-mouth tablet that's so easy to take. It has a great flavor and I take mine without a glass of water. I was never very good with pills so that's a big deal!

I know that my heartburn can be rough on the weekend, so I took Omeprazole ODT early on Saturday. It had a nice strawberry taste which was a pleasant surprise! I ate what I wanted, when I wanted, and it kept my heartburn at bay! I can't wait for football season to really get up and running.

Omeprazole ODT is great for people like me who have frequent heartburn. It works to prevent it and was really convenient to take. I'm going to recommend this to my dad and then we can go back to eating, laughing and cheering on the Bills! Check out where to buy Omeprazole ODT near you.

To finish the full course of treatment, take one dose every 24 hours for 14 days. Omeprazole ODT is not intended for immediate relief, and may take 1-4 days to feel the full effect. You shouldn't take this acid reducer for more than 14 days or more often than every four months unless directed by your doctor.

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