
Homeless Man Steps Onto A Bus, And She Didn't Miss A Beat

This time of year it seems like everyone is talking about cold weather. It's cold getting in your car, it's cold when you wake up in your bed, it's cold when you take your dog out.

That means it's also cold for those people who live on the street without a car, or dog, or even a bed.

Winter can mean death for the homeless, so it's not a far stretch to call Natalie Barnes a hero.

Barnes is a bus driver for the Milwaukee City Transit Service and was on her regular "Gold Line" route when Richard got on her bus. He rode until the end of the line, and when Barnes took her break she began chatting with him.

That's when Richard confided in her. For the past week he had been living on the streets because his house had been condemned.

"I wanted to do what I could to help Richard in some way," she said.

She started her route back up, Richard coming along for the ride, and the warmth. When she took another break she offered him something to eat.

It was all on the bus surveillance video.

"I don't know what to say but to say thank you," he told her as she drove. "I'll get it back to you."

"No you won't," Barnes insisted. "I want to help you."

Her help didn't stop there either. She got in touch with a friend who works at Autumn West Safe Haven, a temporary shelter. Together the haven and Richard are working to find him a new permanent home.

The video has understandably gone viral, and Barnes was given an MCTS award for excellence. It's the third commendation for her in the two years she's been on the job.

So this winter we should all be thankful for Natalie Barnes, and remember to pay it forward by treating those who are less fortunate with kindness and respect.

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