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As Dog And Owner Step Onto The Stage They Amaze The Crowd With A Special Performance

A special dance was captured at the annual Eurasia dog show in Moscow. Competitions like these have been taking place since 1989"”almost thirty years now! That is a great deal of time to perfect the standards of competition and reach a pinnacle of obedience training.

At the competition in Moscow, the handler and her dog performed in a musical freestyle competition. This sort of showcases a large variety of what a dog can be capable of. This includes a display of their training, tricks, and dance. It's presented creatively so that it's a fun interaction with both the dogs and their owners.

This is not an easy task to prepare for. It takes months, sometimes years, to get tricks and routines learned and choreographed. It is certainly nothing to sneeze at!

This particular duo took the stage to perform an exceptionally beautiful routine. You never know what to expect on the dance floor, but these two pulled off their routine. The gorgeous dog showed off his obedience training in how he appears to dance alongside his owner.

Tricks or dances?

It is not just tricks and training in competitions like these"”it's an art form between dog and owner.

This freestyle dancing is demanding and asks a lot of the dog. The pet performs a variety tricks, including bowing, rolling over, jumping and spinning. This dog does all of this but takes it further with other moves and his ability to dance in sync with his human.

Here, their dance is a form of communication. The dog moves with what the owner does herself. Their performance delighted the audience!

The dog was required to stay close to his trainer throughout the performance, as well as perform a variety of obedience tricks in a particular sequence.

This cute duo did a fantastic job, and you can watch the performance below!

The post As Dog And Owner Step Onto The Stage They Amaze The Crowd With A Special Performance appeared first on Animals Being Cute.

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