
Drs Say There's No Hope Left For Son, But 2 Days Later Mom Knows God Gave Them A Miracle

Kerry Askin never considered herself very religious, but after what happened over Easter weekend 2016, she can't deny that what she saw was a miracle.

Kerry's then-2-year-old son, Dylan, was rushed to the hospital on Christmas Day in 2015 after he had trouble breathing. Doctors performed all kinds of tests on the little boy and discovered he had cysts covering his lungs and was suffering from a collapsed lung.

They diagnosed the toddler with Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH), a rare form of cancer that affects the lungs.

Doctors did everything they could for Dylan, but when he contracted pneumonia, things took a turn for the worst. They told the family to say goodbye to their beloved son.

"On Good Friday they told us things were looking bleak and that we weren't going to get him back," Kerry said. "All the settings on all the machines were at their highest and he was still struggling. We had him christened, all his family came from all over to say goodbye, including his big brother."

The next day, doctors slowly began to take Dylan off life support, but that's when something happened that none of them could explain. Dylan's heart rate became normal and his oxygen levels started to rise!

"We just said, "˜Stop; there is still fight in him,'" Kerry said. "Then his oxygen levels started to pick up, and he started coming back to us. By Easter Sunday, he was stable enough that I felt comfortable enough to have a lie-down. I was strong in that belief that he was our Easter miracle."

When Kerry told her eldest son that Dylan had woken up, he immediately thought of another miracle that had taken place that same weekend 2,000 years earlier.

"When we told our eldest, he said, "˜He's like Jesus' "“ because he had been learning about it in school," she recalled.

Within a month, Dylan was well enough to return home. He completed chemotherapy in July 2017 and is now a poster child for CLIC Sargent, a charity that helps families with children who have cancer.

Kerry says there is no denying that there is a beyond-worldly explanation for her son's incredible recovery.

"I am not massively religious," she said, "but I did think it was a miracle."

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The post Drs Say There's No Hope Left For Son, But 2 Days Later Mom Knows God Gave Them A Miracle appeared first on Good Inside Us.

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