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IKEA Store Opens Doors To Homeless Dogs, And It's The Purest Thing

Flickr - Doug Waldron/Instagram - Margheriasgroi

I really love the cold weather, which is an unpopular opinion, I know. But something about staying warm wrapped in blankets while drinking hot chocolate just makes me so happy. Sometimes, though, my mind wanders and I think of all the stray animals who are left out in cold temperatures, with no way of protecting themselves.

Sure, humane societies and Good Samaritans are always doing their best to help, but there's only so much they can do. But one IKEA store has decided to they're going to do their part to help the stray dogs in the area.

The store, located in Catania, Italy, has opened its doors to the stray dogs in town, who are now taking over the living room section!

Martine Taccia was at the IKEA, and said it was so cool to see all the dogs so happy.

"My reaction was pure amazement," Taccia told The Dodo. "It's not a common thing. The dogs receive daily food and pampering from IKEA's employees and customers. Some dogs have even found a family, going home with customers."

Beppe Liotta, another customer at the location, echoed these sentiments.

"I felt a feeling of deep tenderness and great happiness in seeing dogs crouched in the exhibition space at the entrance of the IKEA," Liotta told The Dodo. "If all the stores that had the space would make a place of refuge for strays, I would be really happy."

The dogs do really seem to be loving their shelter, and I'm sure they're helping sales too! Who could resist buying a rug or a couch when you know it's got a dog's stamp of approval? It's basically the best sales tactic ever.

It would be amazing if other stores picked up this practice as well, bringing in the stray dogs who need shelter from the cold, but obviously there are some logistical issues that could be faced. Imagine you've got staff members with dog allergies? Or live in a city with a ton of strays, and the store is over run?

Regardless, it seems this system is working out for the store in Catania, and it makes me want to go and visit...even if the trip would be wildly expensive!

Who wouldn't want to go visit these amazing pups?  

I'll take five!

Do you think he comes with the coffee table?

Honestly, I'd probably spend the entire day shame.

Just grabbing a well-earned nap, that's all.

How much for that doggy in the, living room?

Sunlight is sunlight, and this pup wants to soak it all up!

This is how you give a full shopping experience! I can definitely see myself living like this.

Service with a smile!

[H/T: The Dodo]

Do you think more IKEA stores should do this?

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