
The Kids Item With The Most Germs Is Probably Not The One You'd Expect

We all know that kids have a way to always be covered in germs. Whether they're picking something off the floor when you're out doing your shopping or they put a friend's toy in their mouth, kids are exposed to germs every day- and that's not a bad thing.

Being exposed to germs helps to build your kid's immune system, but we also want to set the example of washing your hands to prevent an overexposure to things that could potentially make our little ones sick.

Today's Parent

But where would you expect the most germs to live in your house?

A recent study of family homes was able to identify it and the answer totally surprised us!

Measuring the type of germs from 10 different household items that kids come into regular contact with, the survey surprised many.

Most people would expect that their smartphone or TV remotes would have the most germs.

These items surprisingly didn't even make it into the top four!


In fact, the number 1 germiest item is your stroller! It was found that strollers were growing the streptococci bacteria that was responsible for illnesses such as strep throat, pink eye and meningitis. The worse areas on the stroller included the handles and cup holder. But why is it so bad? The study authors say it's likely because most people store their strollers in their garage, which experiences more temperature and humidity changes than other areas in the house. It also exposes the stroller to dust, exhaust fumes and pests.


Following the stroller was sippy cups, pacifiers and then plush toys. Sippy cups were some times found to contain E. coli and salmonella around the nipple or spout of the container.


Researchers found that plush toys were a growing source for listeria. Listeria is typically found in soil, sewage and untreated waters, as well as a variety of common foods, including fish, meat, dairy and fruit.


Each of these items had more germs than your average bathroom floor. Gross!

Other items that made the list includes board books and diaper bags.


The study also found that kids aged three to four had the items with the highest germ counts. They also found that homes with pets did not have a higher germ count than those without.

Another interesting point they found was that homes with one stay-at-home parent had significantly fewer germs than homes with two working parents.

Excuse me, while I go wipe down every surface in my home with disinfectant.

Were you surprised at any of these results? Share with us in the comments.

Source: Today's Parent

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