It seems like for every novelty product we get this year, we sacrifice a beloved one from our childhood.
First, Crayola got rid of one of its original colors this past March and now McDonald's revealed its decision to retire one of the restaurant's classic drinks.
On Friday, Fox59 reported that the fast food chain is getting rid of Hi-C Orange Lavaburst starting May 1. It is expected that all locations will stop serving the drink by July.

McDonald's has not issued a public statement in regard to this startling information but an internal memo intended for company staff leaked on and proved it to be true.

The memo confirmed that the iconic Hi-C Orange will be replaced a new exclusive beverage, Sprite Tropic Berry, and people have a lot of feelings about it.
Fans of the bright orange drink wasted no time in sharing their displeasure on Twitter:
McDonald's: "We ain't got Hi-C Orange no more"
— Legends (@LegendsofCH) April 28, 2017
McDonald's is getting rid of Orange Hi-C. My whole childhood is dead. I used to always get that instead of orange juice in the mornings.
— â„¢Marcus (@TheMisterMarcus) April 27, 2017
I'm gonna be honest and say that McDonald's taking Hi-C off of their menu is one of the worst things to happen in the history of mankind
— negrel35 (@Negrel35) May 1, 2017
RIP McDonald's HI-C Orange drink. My hangovers will never be the same.
— Greg (@heimzketchup) April 27, 2017
McDonald's is taking Hi-C, aka one of my favorite drinks i've been getting since i was a kid, off the menu
— hanna||10&20&107 (@clearlyanathema) April 27, 2017
While you deal with this difficult news, it may help to know that you can buy Hi-C Lavaburst boxes from Amazon. It may not taste as good as the soda right out of the fountain at McDonald's but it will have to do.
How do you feel about McDonald's decision? Let us know in the comments!