
11 Painfully Honest Cakes That You Don't Want But Probably Earned

From birthdays to anniversaries to funerals, cake is one of the most common deserts to mark an occasion and to celebrate every milestone.

However, as seen in the past, a cake made with the best of intentions could end up with a less than satisfying reaction from the recipient it was intended for.  

The account @PrimeTimeTags asked people to share the funniest cakes they've seen with the tag #HonestCakeMessages. As expected, internet users failed to disappoint.

1. The toilet paper adds an impressive touch  

2.  A backstory would be appreciated

3. How many crackheads does this person know?

4. Sorry for the STD... But Happy Birthday!

5. The Happy Engagement

6. The artwork really clears up any questions


7. Hopefully there were no injuries

8. I would like to meet the people who make the good choices

9. A separate apology should be owed to the cat

10. When you have to apologize for multiple accusations

11. ...At least there was cake?

Share this list if you known anyone who deserves an honest cake message!

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