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Here's What Those "Random" Doodles Say About Your Inner Personality

Youtube / We Heart It

You may catch yourself scratching out shapes and pictures during the day to keep yourself entertained, but did you know that these supposedly "random" drawings are actually your mind secretly releasing its inner dialogue?

It's true, and psychologists and graphologists have been studying this phenomena for years, and they say that we all tend to have certain habits that are really telling about who we are, even if we don't know it ourselves!

Ready to see what lies underneath your mind?


You feel a strong need to belong to someone, or some unit. You are also very accepting of those like you.


Drawing squares has been found to be a marker of a practical personality that demands constructive criticism to grow.


Triangles have long been associated to those with an ambitious nature about them.


You have a calculating mind that seeks out unusual connections in your environment. Your friends have probably told you that you're a "far-out" thinker.

Haven't seen your shapes yet? Check the next page!


It should come as no surprise that you have love on your mind lately, but it could also signify an affectionate character, and trustworthiness.


You are a materialistic person with their focus on wealth and like to plan for the future.


Confidence exudes from your person as you go through life trying to open up your metaphorical petals to the light!


Creativity abounds as you search for new and exciting thoughts to keep your buzzing brain entertained!

Which shape do you draw? Was the prediction accurate?

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