
Wife Admits Rules For Her Husband Are "A Bit Harsh" - The Internet Says They're Crazy


An Australian woman offered the internet a glimpse into her married life, when she shared a list of strict rules her husband is forced to follow on social media.

And while she admitted her rules could be "a bit harsh," the rest of the web says they're insane.

The woman, who is only identified as "Rosiee," posted her list of demands in a Facebook group called Get It Off Your Chest, and asked readers for their "honest opinions" about the list.

A married woman's rules for her husband have raised eyebrows online.Max Pixel

She quickly got more than she bargained for, as over 1,000 (mostly negative) comments poured in.

Before we go any further, let's take a look at Rosiee's original message, so you can form your own opinions:

I am rewriting my list of rules for my husband, [I] was told my first lot was a bit harsh. What do you think of these, honest opinions please as [I] really want to be fair. Is there any more [I] should add?

  • No female friends
  • No social media
  • No Male friends with partners. Must be single males only.
  • Must work minimum 50 hours a week
  • No smoking
  • Can drink but only 2 times a year or less and not get drunk
  • No Playstation/game machines
  • No p*rn
  • Must keep house clean at all times
  • No going out without me

Regardless of how strict you are with your relationships, there's no doubt some of those rules are highly questionable.

Obviously an adult who works 50 hours a week will have a few female friends, or at least coworkers.

And, even if you were suspicious of your husband's male friends, wouldn't single men be more likely to get him in trouble than friends with partners?

And what exactly does she mean by "No going out without me"? Out to dinner? Out to the store?

Obviously, other users in the group had their own questions about the rules.

"This is your husband right?" asked one person. "I don't think he agreed to be your slave when you married him."

"Good luck trying to keep a man with those rules," said another, "lonely life."

The voice of reason came from one user, who wrote, "You can't do this to another human and expect to be happy - people who are happily married don't need [a] rules list, their boundaries are already respected."

"You guys are adults, this is supposed to be your trusted companion."

[H/T: Yahoo Lifestyle]

What do you think of these rules? Have you ever written rules for your partner? or have they written any for you?

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