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Shocking 9-Foot Gator Pulled from Storm Drain

<div><p>When a 9-foot alligator finds itself stuck in a storm drain in Oldsmar, Florida, the trappers had to be called in for a daring rescue. </p><p>At first, it appeared that the trapper had a tough time pulling the gator out, as it seemed to want to climb back into the storm drain instead of being rescued. </p><p>He was successfully removed from the storm drain unharmed and relocated to a more gator friendly community. </p><p>"We were happy he was rescued and that he wasn't hurt," said John Ruel, who captured this video in his neighborhood.</p><div><amp-facebook data-href="" layout="responsive" height="600" width="640"></amp-facebook></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>What is the scariest animal you have seen on the streets in your neighborhood?</p></div>

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