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United Airlines new, "honest" commercial will leave you in stitches

<div><p>It has not been a good month for airlines. First, a thunderstorm in Atlanta delayed/canceled thousands of flights and then United made international headlines by dragging a customer off their plane.</p><p>A video of the entire incident was released and the ensuing internet firestorm has shaken United to its core. While they are waiting for it all to go away late night is having a field day.</p><p>You can't get far without hearing hilarious new United "mottos" or seeing more videos of passengers getting mistreated by United staff. But this commercial from Jimmy Kimmel is our favorite so far.</p><div><div><div><amp-youtube height="9" width="16" layout="responsive" data-videoid="1Y8HdeHtOJs"></amp-youtube></div></div></div><p>Calls for a boycott have already emerged, and seem to be taken seriously. It remains to be seen how United, and other airlines, respond to this scandal.</p><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><p>Well it must have been a terrifying experience for the man, reportedly a doctor from Kentucky, I'm sure he's in for a hefty payday. That will mean the event has everyone laughing, except United of course.</p></div>

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