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Sleep Routines To Help You Beat Insomnia And Set Yourself Up For Success

Best Health Magazine Canada, Yes Vegetarian

Whenever you look at someone who appears happy and confident in the mornings, do you think "What's wrong with them?" immediately followed by "What's their secret?" It turns out that happy and successful people not only have great morning routines, but also have specific ways to prepare themselves for the next day.

Celebrities have shared the secrets to their night time routines, and they're nothing like what we do. Mariah Carey claims to sleep 15 hours a night, while Bill Gates reads for at least 1 hour before bed. Arianna Huffington has banned all electronic devices from her sleep routine, meaning that she doesn't have a phone, TV, Kindle, or iPad anywhere in her bedroom, ever.

Closer Weekly, The Hollywood Reporter, Wikipedia

If you're struggling with insomnia or want to get the most out of every day, follow these tips to build your own powerhouse nighttime routine:

Temperature Matters

The air you breathe can make you lie awake at night. While Mariah Carey claims to have 20 humidifiers around her bed at night to help with her beauty sleep, you don't need to go that far. However, the American Sleep Association recommends you adjust your nighttime thermostat to 60-67 degrees.

The Oz Blog

Take Some Time to Think

Journaling and meditation are great ways to end the day, because they give you an opportunity to appreciate what you've accomplished and absorb the positive benefits of the day. It's a great way to slow down your mind before your body. Both Ellen DeGeneres and Jennifer Aniston swear by transcendental meditation as a way to relax.

Wow Amazing

No Caffeine After 3pm

Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla Motors, has a practice you'll want to copy. He used to drink almost 8 Diet Cokes and a few coffees every day, until he realized it was hurting his ability to fall asleep. Today, he stops drinking caffeine 6 hours before bedtime.

Hale Hearty

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Foods that Keep You Awake

Caffeine isn't the only thing you should avoid while trying to catch some zzz's. Studies show that you should also skip alcohol, fatty foods, and chocolate. These not only act as stimulants, but also can cause stomach trouble and discomfort that will keep you wide-awake.

The Today Show

Nix the Electronics

Research says that adults and kids are staying up later to browse social media or watch TV, and it's affecting their productivity and grades. We know it's hard not to check Facebook one last time before turning out the light, but studies have proven that the light and movement from screens can cause the brain to be alert for a while after usage.

Harvard Health Publications

Sleep Playlist

While sirens and outside noise can wake you up, calming music has been proven to help sufferers of insomnia. Some prefer complete silence or white noise, but sleep therapists have specially designed tracks to help relax the body. Here are a few songs you'll want to try!


Reading in Bed

Although some argue that reading in bed isn't good for you, it seems to work pretty well for these people. Both Emma Roberts and Bill Gates read before going to sleep, and I think they're onto something. Not only does reading reduce stress, but it also tires your mind, in a good way!


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