
We're Falling In Love With This Couple's Love Song Medley

<div><p>You'll probably recognize <a href="">Kristin and Danny</a>. After all, this couple have racked up millions of views on YouTube with their hilarious lip sync videos.</p><p>They always have 3 things: lots of costume changes, some hilarious moments between the couple, and a lot of great songs that you're sure to remember. This time the couple made a special Valentine's Day themed medley, with hits by Adele, Whitney Houston, Dolly Parton and many more.</p><p>See how many of these hits you can recognize!</p><div><amp-youtube height="9" width="16" layout="responsive" data-videoid="WJpA_sQEwkM"></amp-youtube></div><p><!-- [invalid-shortcode] --></p><h3>Share this with someone to make them smile!</h3></div>

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