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8 Successful People Share Their Daily Morning Routines

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Have you ever sat at the table with a cup of coffee in hand, wondering how the rich and famous get through their mornings? Now is the time to discover their secrets!  

We know people like Bill Gates, Oprah, and Lady Gaga are human beings, and they probably grumble when their alarm goes off like everyone else.

But what sets them apart? How did they become successful?

Perhaps their morning routines have something to do with it. Every last one of these celebrities and business people have a routine that's set up for success.

What They Have in Common

Do you hit snooze 10 times on your alarm? You may want to stop.

Many famous people set up their day for success by rising early in the morning and doing a workout. Others opt for meditation or yoga to warm up their bodies and refocus their minds.

Experts say you're at your best in the morning in terms of productivity, and doing a most difficult task first thing can make the rest of the day much better in comparison.

As Mark Twain said: "Eat a live frog first thing in the morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day."

Another common morning routine is spending time with loved ones. Before going to work, some of the world's most famous CEOs enjoy having breakfast with their families or enjoying a few moments with their spouse over coffee.

Since the morning sets the tone for the day, it's best to make it as great as possible!

Mark Zuckerberg


As the founder of Facebook, Zuckerberg is worth over $33.3 billion.

Does he have an epic morning routine? Not quite, but it's a little different than most celebrities.

After getting up at a relatively late time of 8am, Zuckerberg picks a simple grey t-shirt.

In fact, he has multiples of the same shirt and wears it every day because it saves him having to make a decision about what to wear any given day.  

Oprah Winfrey


Famous talk-show host Oprah has one of the busiest and most productive mornings we've ever heard of.

Reportedly, she wakes up around 5:30am and spends an hour at the gym.

After getting her makeup done, she completes shooting around two shows and has a healthy green smoothie made with "spinach, parsley, a little bit of apple juice, celery, and cucumbers in a blender."

Bill Gates

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is the richest man in the world with $75 billion to his name.

What does he do before going to his extremely important job every day? Exercise.

After waking up, Gates claims he spends an hour on the treadmill before going to the office.

Jennifer Aniston

Everyone knows actress Jennifer Aniston from her role in Friends.

We knew celebrities spent a lot of time at the gym, but Jen's morning fitness routine is next level. After rising at the early hour of 4:30am, the actress immediately drinks a detox beverage of hot water with lemon.

Afterwards, she spends 20 minutes meditating, followed by a session with her personal trainer that lasts over an hour. The gym is the next stop!

Lady Gaga

Time and time again, celebrities have recommended yoga and meditation as a way of preparing their body and mind for the best day possible.

Lady Gaga doesn't have a lot of free time, but she spends the first five minutes after waking up to feed herself good thoughts.

Her guru likes to call it "self directed love and gratitude through compassionate thoughts."

Arianna Huffington

Huffington Post editor-in-chief Arianna Huffington gets 8 hours of sleep every night and wakes up without the help of an alarm.

She says: "Just think about the definition of the word 'alarm': 'a sudden fear or distressing suspense caused by an awareness of danger; apprehension; fright,' or 'any sound, outcry, or information intended to warn of approaching danger.'

So an alarm, in most situations, is a signal that something is not right."

Jack Dorsey

The founder of Twitter starts his day early - 5:30am to be exact!

Before beginning his busy day, he keeps things simple with meditation followed by the 6-mile jog.

"I look to build a lot of consistent routine," he said in a Q&A with Product Hunt. "Same thing every day."

Dorsey reportedly goes to sleep close to midnight and still manages to get a good night's rest.

Winston Churchill

While most celebrities and entrepreneurs wake up early, some need a restful morning to run a country effectively. We're talking about Winston Churchill, of course.

The man would stay in bed until the late hour of 11:00am, even though he woke at 7:30.

He had breakfast in bed and conducted state business afterwards by having his secretaries read his mail and take dictation for his replies.

What do you do in the mornings? I usually stumble out of bed, find my way to the shower, and go through breakfast in a daze. A productive morning routine sounds exhausting, but starting small is key!

If you've never tried meditation, yoga, journaling, or an early morning workout, you might want to give them a go. You could also get a book of positive quotes or motivational stories to read in the mornings. A few paragraphs is enough to fuel your mind and give you mental energy for the day.

We want to hear from you! Leave us a comment to say what you'd like to do differently with your morning routine.

If you liked this article, check out sleep routines that help you beat insomnia and set yourself up for success or celebrities sharing the inspiring secret to their success.

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